Thanks for visiting my portfolio.
I'm a Brazilian Creative Director, Art Director and Graphic Designer based in the rural area of São Paulo/Brazil. 
For the last 23 years I have worked in Advertising and Direct Communication agencies. During this time, I worked for large clients such as Nissan Cars, Volvo Cars, Volvo Trucks, Volvo Bus & Construction Equipment, Renault Cars, O Boticário, Natura, C&A, Riachuelo, Coca-Cola, Heineken, among others.
The night my third child was born I finished the first bicycle I built with my own hands. It was the beginning of a personal project, a brand where vintage frames are upcycled to produce new and unique bicycles. It led me to look for solutions to improve urban mobility. This was my way of balancing the impact of my work in the automotive market.

I spent the last 14 years leading a creative team with more than 20 professionals in a VML Data Strategy and Technology Company while driving 55 km daily to commute from work to a house in the mountains where we lived and raised our 4 children within nature.
I have works recognized at local and international festivals such as: El Ojo, NY Festivals, Wave Festival, Ibero-American Festival of Creativity (Fiap) and Creative Club of São Paulo/CCSP. In Brazil, I was elected Promotional Marketing Professional of the Year by the Data Marketing Association/ABEMD. And swimming in the waterfall at the end of some days as my final reward.

If you're interested in my work, drop me a note and let's talk more.

My contacts:
55 41 98740.6247
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